Lloyd's Correspondents info CEO
MAP : Specific selection with tiles/topics for Lloyd's Underwriters & their Correspondents
Specific selection with tiles/topics for executives MGAs and Authorised Agents
Lloyd's Europe
RealXS' software was originally co-developed to offer insurance products lodged with Dutch insurers & Lloyd's Underwriters.
Captive Companies
Team RealXS offers Captives the possibility to record insurance products themselves, so that they have up-to-date and retrospective insight into their insurance portfolio.
Section: Why realXS Software?
WHY?.....The answer to this question we hope to give you through the tiles that are bordered in green, we hope this will motivate you to experience first-hand what realXS can do for your business.
Term payments
Do you want to offer direct debit in instalments? Quarterly? Annually? Per six months? Why not by four months? Or per day.
Data privacy
What about data access - does RealXS have access to your data? Do others have access to your data?
Knowledge integration
Transparency in the insurance market is a hot topic, but what about Corporate Social Responsibility through Knowledge Integration?
There is a wealth of information in your company's computer system. Then it is nice to be "in charge". You can decide yourself which statistical update you want to see daily or weekly from now on!
Egg of Columbus? Software from RealXS was put together with only one goal : to optimise the process by which portfolios of insurance products are built and maintained.
Team RealXS has gone to great lengths to set up its Software so that parties (advisers and insurers, insurance brokers and authorised agents) share information. This way, no pennies can fall between the boards on the shop floor either!
Team RealXS has worked to develop software that makes all users completely self-reliant, meaning they can develop, register and modify insurance products independently without any knowledge of IT.
Section : Innovations
Only when everything works to your satisfaction does it make sense to work on innovations. Team RealXS has been able to spend time on numerous innovations. Via the Purple tiles, we mention some of them.
A "Front office" and a "Back office"
The Backoffice is the actual software developed by RealXS. This is the system that your employees get to work with. The Frontoffice is the presentation of the products offered from the Backoffice. This is a website.
API generator for optimal data communication
What about digital communication between the software (back office) and the internet (your website)
Robot underwriting
Setting up an Algorithm for robot acceptance can now be done by yourself. A matter of forming questions and possible answers.
Product development
From now on, you can develop the IT for an insurance product in-house. Boss in your own belly: that's efficient and insightful.
Lower your signature into the pond
How can you be sure that signatures deposited on behalf of your company cannot be misused ?
Application attached to quotation
Real-Access Software is effective from the moment someone decides to submit an application: the entire underwriting process up to the cancellation of the policy.
Complex tariff structures
Many insurance products involve complicated fees. If there is an insurance package with 6 or 12 components, relevant or not, the tangle of calculations can become so complex that a choice has to be made to strip the product down.
Indexing with Team RealXS
Indexing : then you quickly think of indexing a household contents, a home. But why couldn't you index the premium? Or the investment value of a pension... an annuity? How about indexing for the declining daily value of an insured property! Or indexing for the deductible?
Innovative tendering
Prior to the application and quotation of an insurance product, there is a lot of work involved. The development of the Product, its registration in the Back Office, compilation of a "tailor-made" questionnaire , robot acceptance, composition of the quotation and, finally, the policy and its registration.
Tailor made Proposal form from Backoffice.
From presentation of the product, to enquiry. Without application, no quotation. This can be done with the involvement of advisers. They may then put the link to the enquiry form on their website. And so clients get access to the Back Office Portal.
Bonus Malus wherever possible.
Bonus Malus on a funeral policy or personal accident insurance? Of course not, these are precisely branches where applying a bonus/malus is not possible. So if your package policy contains 4 or 10 coverages, placed with multiple insurers, you obviously want to be able to provide each part of the product with a specific bonus-malus system.
Cumulative risk mapped
Cumulative risks : when a number of interests are insured that cumulatively put the insurer's operating results at risk.
Integrated financial administration
If the underwriting records are separate from the financial records (General Ledger, Sub-Administrations), auditors are likely to have to do a lot of audit work before they can give their approval and signature to the annual accounts.
Rate modules / trade-offs
Calculating a logical premium is not always insightful. Sometimes acceptors are also forced to charge a fixed amount. Something like the State Lottery does. Team RealXS has standardised a number of useful modules in its software.
Turnover-related insurance products.
In many cases the insurer is not sufficiently decisive with regards to collecting premium on declarations for Consequential loss Insurance and other turnover-related forms of insurance. Sometimes it can take years to obtain the required declarations. Premium-income related to a specific year of account should be booked in favour of the insurers who were the risk carriers at the time.
Transparency in tendering
Do you always know where you stand? Transparency must come from both parties! Disappointments and costly conflicts lurk otherwise.
Insurance Product Information Document "Tailor made"
On 23 February 2018, the IDD came into force within the EU. The obligation to offer an IPID thus became legal in the Netherlands as well.
OpenC computing centre
Everyone knows ADP's Computing Centre : Europe's largest payroll processor. Ultimate centralisation of all knowledge and clout! What a great idea! Why shouldn't we copy that?
Central storage
All products and variations in one central system.... Is it possible? In the insurance market, there is a wide variety of products. An insurance product may relate to a specific object such as a building or a load of goods.
Chain integration
Developing a new vision is usually seen as a relay race in which members of your team take over from each other by mutual agreement. Each round takes time and time is money. With the introduction of its new software, RealXS makes it conceivable for the entire team to start simultaneously so that the time span required is reduced. As a result, maximisation of efficiency can be achieved within one round.
Annex IPID
Image of the annex included on IPID within the framework of the IDD
Quality Scan
Misunderstanding : __________Customers often think that the difference between similar insurance products is mainly the price. In other words : for price comparison, you do not need advice from an adviser!
Every manager instantly recognises that feeling : The uncertainty of not being sure whether the company's organisation is firmly enough in the saddle. Because if you don't realise that mistakes are being made, you are the first to be called to account.
Corporate Identity
Texts that are easy to manage appear on invoices or in digital brochures, web sites. All these texts are composed in consultation with an advertising agency or text consultants so that the company can present itself in a modern way: CORPORATE IDENTITY.
Claims handling
Software from RealXS features a claims management system. This allows you to very efficiently fix policy data for the claim file. Real-Access also makes it possible to keep track of all contacts that in one way or another are or may be important for assessing and settling a claim.
Convert from one computer to another
RealXS Software features a method/module that allows us to transfer data from one system to another quickly and inexpensively.
Working sustainably
By using Software from RealXS, you contribute maximally to sustainable business in the insurance sector. You use the cloud, your employees can work from home and you avoid unnecessary commuting.
Word processing
RealXS has succeeded in reinventing word processing for policy formatting and correspondence. The new method not only makes document formatting more efficient and secure (compliance) but also allows you to meet legal and regulatory requirements.
Limit table
If an insurance package consists several insurable interests, it is advisable to establish a schedule for each interest under which no excess of your company's insurable capacity will be exceeded.
Compiling questionnaire
Asking questions via a website has the great advantage that your client only has to answer relevant questions. Putting these questions together as early as the product design stage achieves optimal efficiency. Pointless questions are skipped and the insurer can go deeper into specific aspects.
Promotion, Promotion... reflect before you begin
Good tools are half the battle. Without good tools, a job disappoints badly.
Co-assurance Provincial
Co-assurance is applied outside the Insurance Exchange by specialised intermediaries.
Pool allocations by Underwriting Agents
Software from RealXS features a register in which Authorised Agents can record their pool allocations annually.
Special Limits
If there is a Special Limit, Real Access offers the option to settle the premium separately.
Cooperating Insurers
If an insurer decides to extend an insurance package to include a component covered at a specialised insurer, RealXS provides adequate separation of premium and claim bookings.
Intermediaries & Pool divisions
RealXS software is equipped with a register in which Insurance Brokers can register the Pool distributions of Underwriters.
Any Tax you can immagine
In the Netherlands, we have only one type of tax on insurance premiums. Then we are lucky to have a uniform rate of 21 per cent. But other countries have different rules.
In the Cloud
Software from RealXS is offered for processing "In the Cloud". any entrepreneur and all his employees can log in/work on the system from any location in the world.
Section: Accountancy
Anno 2023, there is a huge shortage of Accountants. People are as much as 10% short of manpower in that industry. Where demand outstrips supply, prices rise. So then adequate linked financial records are urgently needed as accountants can then limit themselves to checking manual entries.
About current account collection and settlement
One of the biggest problems that can affect a financial administration is reconciling balances. How about that at Real-Access?
RealXS IT (Real Access) is proud to present its new Software for Insurance Markets
Team realXS proudly presents the new version of its : "SOFTWARE FOR INSURANCE MARKETS". The name realXS is pronounced "Real Access" In other words: software for data actually accessible to Management.
Document Layout
Every manager instantly recognises that feeling : The uncertainty that you are not sure whether the company's organisation is firmly enough in the saddle. Because if you don't realise that mistakes are being made, you are the first to be called to account.
Self-installing a document or form for your Output
Designing a document is not that difficult, but if it has to be installed by programmers or IT staff, it costs a lot of time and therefore money.
Digital signature of policy documents
Team RealXS succeeded in getting signatures from EU-approved insurers, each for their own and their share of the insurance.