Innovative / RealXS
Lloyd's Europe
RealXS' software was originally co-developed to offer insurance products lodged with Dutch insurers & Lloyd's Underwriters.
Data privacy
What about data access - does RealXS have access to your data? Do others have access to your data?
There is a wealth of information in your company's computer system. Then it is nice to be "in charge". You can decide yourself which statistical update you want to see daily or weekly from now on!
Egg of Columbus? Software from RealXS was put together with only one goal : to optimise the process by which portfolios of insurance products are built and maintained.
Team RealXS has worked to develop software that makes all users completely self-reliant, meaning they can develop, register and modify insurance products independently without any knowledge of IT.
A "Front office" and a "Back office"
The Backoffice is the actual software developed by RealXS. This is the system that your employees get to work with. The Frontoffice is the presentation of the products offered from the Backoffice. This is a website.
API generator for optimal data communication
What about digital communication between the software (back office) and the internet (your website)
Complex tariff structures
Many insurance products involve complicated fees. If there is an insurance package with 6 or 12 components, relevant or not, the tangle of calculations can become so complex that a choice has to be made to strip the product down.
Bonus Malus wherever possible.
Bonus Malus on a funeral policy or personal accident insurance? Of course not, these are precisely branches where applying a bonus/malus is not possible. So if your package policy contains 4 or 10 coverages, placed with multiple insurers, you obviously want to be able to provide each part of the product with a specific bonus-malus system.
Integrated financial administration
If the underwriting records are separate from the financial records (General Ledger, Sub-Administrations), auditors are likely to have to do a lot of audit work before they can give their approval and signature to the annual accounts.
Rate modules / trade-offs
Calculating a logical premium is not always insightful. Sometimes acceptors are also forced to charge a fixed amount. Something like the State Lottery does. Team RealXS has standardised a number of useful modules in its software.
Transparency in tendering
Do you always know where you stand? Transparency must come from both parties! Disappointments and costly conflicts lurk otherwise.
OpenC computing centre
Everyone knows ADP's Computing Centre : Europe's largest payroll processor. Ultimate centralisation of all knowledge and clout! What a great idea! Why shouldn't we copy that?
Feb 23, 2018 : IPID mandatory before insurance is created.
Within the EU, the IDD is in force and within that framework, providers of insurance products, must issue applicants with a customised IPID before the start of coverage. Real-Access offers your company the opportunity to comply with it.
Every manager instantly recognises that feeling : The uncertainty of not being sure whether the company's organisation is firmly enough in the saddle. Because if you don't realise that mistakes are being made, you are the first to be called to account.
Claims handling
Software from RealXS features a claims management system. This allows you to very efficiently fix policy data for the claim file. Real-Access also makes it possible to keep track of all contacts that in one way or another are or may be important for assessing and settling a claim.
Convert from one computer to another
RealXS Software features a method/module that allows us to transfer data from one system to another quickly and inexpensively.
Pool allocations by Underwriting Agents
Software from RealXS features a register in which Authorised Agents can record their pool allocations annually.
Any Tax you can immagine
In the Netherlands, we have only one type of tax on insurance premiums. Then we are lucky to have a uniform rate of 21 per cent. But other countries have different rules.
General ledger : Special subadministration for Claims Management
During the management of claim files, countless expenses and fees are paid and received from a claim experts, salvage coordinators, notaries, lawyers, appraisers, counterparties, governments and what not. Then a separate sub-administration is a boon for accountants.
1) Real Insurance Software
The designers have made maximum efforts to ensure that the business operations are conducted in an orderly and transparent manner.
Self-installing a document or form for your Output
Designing a document is not that difficult, but if it has to be installed by programmers or IT staff, it costs a lot of time and therefore money.
Example of the usefulness of the Quality Scan: insurance product with Amex Gold Card
That checking the quality of an insurance product is urgently needed is shown by a few examples we show you. Only a quality check compiled by professionals can provide a solution for the advising intermediary.
Digital signature of policy documents
Team RealXS succeeded in getting signatures from EU-approved insurers, each for their own and their share of the insurance.