Claims experts info CEO
Claim Adjusters
Claims adjusters can consult the digital information as it is recorded for the insurance contract on which they have to advise. Insurers who can see "à la minute" what stage the adjuster is at in issuing his claim report. That is within reach with Real-Access Software.
Section: Why realXS Software?
WHY?.....The answer to this question we hope to give you through the tiles that are bordered in green, we hope this will motivate you to experience first-hand what realXS can do for your business.
There is a wealth of information in your company's computer system. Then it is nice to be "in charge". You can decide yourself which statistical update you want to see daily or weekly from now on!
Egg of Columbus? Software from RealXS was put together with only one goal : to optimise the process by which portfolios of insurance products are built and maintained.
Team RealXS has gone to great lengths to set up its Software so that parties (advisers and insurers, insurance brokers and authorised agents) share information. This way, no pennies can fall between the boards on the shop floor either!
Section : Innovations
Only when everything works to your satisfaction does it make sense to work on innovations. Team RealXS has been able to spend time on numerous innovations. Via the Purple tiles, we mention some of them.
A "Front office" and a "Back office"
The Backoffice is the actual software developed by RealXS. This is the system that your employees get to work with. The Frontoffice is the presentation of the products offered from the Backoffice. This is a website.
Integrated financial administration
If the underwriting records are separate from the financial records (General Ledger, Sub-Administrations), auditors are likely to have to do a lot of audit work before they can give their approval and signature to the annual accounts.
All products in one central system. Is that possible?
In the insurance market, there is a wide variety of insurance packages. But an insurance product can also cover a specific object such as a building or a cargo of goods.
OpenC computing centre
Everyone knows ADP's Computing Centre : Europe's largest payroll processor. Ultimate centralisation of all knowledge and clout! What a great idea! Why shouldn't we copy that?
Every manager instantly recognises that feeling : The uncertainty of not being sure whether the company's organisation is firmly enough in the saddle. Because if you don't realise that mistakes are being made, you are the first to be called to account.
Claims handling
Software from RealXS features a claims management system. This allows you to very efficiently fix policy data for the claim file. Real-Access also makes it possible to keep track of all contacts that in one way or another are or may be important for assessing and settling a claim.
Working sustainably
By using Software from RealXS, you contribute maximally to sustainable business in the insurance sector. You use the cloud, your employees can work from home and you avoid unnecessary commuting.
In the Cloud
Software from RealXS is offered for processing "In the Cloud". any entrepreneur and all his employees can log in/work on the system from any location in the world.
2) Real Accounting Software
REAL ACCOUNTING is the name we use for the financial management of all booked invoices, payments and receipts processed within REAL-ACCESS.
1) Real Insurance Software
The designers have made maximum efforts to ensure that the business operations are conducted in an orderly and transparent manner.