Placing Brokers
TTeam RealXS (speak : Real Access) offers Insurance Brokers the ability to develop their own standardised insurance products based on Exchange policies. This allows you to immediately search for insurers willing to act as risk carriers. The terms and conditions of Listed Policies are standardised, but by putting together targeted insurance propositions, you can better match the needs within target groups.
Do you appoint independent advisers for cooperation? If so, this is an option that is permanently available.
Exchange policies.
Customers who have insurance taken out by an Insurance Broker fully inform them about the interests to be insured. Information about the work and about the company culture are also part of this.
Thus, the broker can provide the insurance product with a targeted questionnaire.
The Insurance Broker then draws up an insurance proposal.
Co-assurance Optima Forma
He submits the digital insurance proposal to a number of Insurers and Underwriters who are already familiar with the insurance product. These insurers are invited to participate on risk coverage.
For example, one insurer wants to offer 15 per cent cover. The other will not go beyond 5 per cent, and so on.
Until the broker finds 100 per cent coverage for his insurance proposition. Then the deal is done and he can inform the customer digitally about his proposal.
If the customer orders the insurance, the policy is automatically drawn up immediately and processed for signature. Real-Access can also carry out this process completely digitally.
LOGO-GEVER gets the bill
Although its logo appears on the policy, the broker is not the insurer. However, he does pay the full licence fee. Insurers do not pay licence fees for this contract. Sub-agents of the broker are also not liable for licence fees.
New opportunities for the intermediary
The shortage of well-trained applicants is glaring. Also in the insurance industry. Outsourcing is therefore an option that deserves attention because:
Brokers: Discover new opportunities for an efficient approach, where the intermediary can play a bigger role because of:
Thanks to
-transparent quotation processing;
- Integrated financial administrative processing;
- Tailor-made IPID;
- Innovative quotation & policy formatting;
- and digital signature by the insurers themselves,
unprecedented new opportunities for an efficient approach arise in which placing prokers can play an important role.