Section: Who is RealXS software suitable for?
Dear visitor,
Welcome to our website.
So, who is RealXS software made / suitable for ?
You chose the page where we show you which parties we can / want to serve with our software.
For each party, we describe via an information tile what issues are covered.
These tiles have a silver border.
Through the tiles, we tell you roughly what RealXS could do for this kind of business.
We will tell you in detail about the innovative approach that Team RealXS has chosen for the subject described.
The parties mentioned bring or have brought insurance products on the market, which then have to be managed adequately.
These are:
Team RealXS aims to serve all participants in the insurance profession simultaneously with this software.
Simultaneously and therefore licence fees are due only once.
If the insurer has already paid these, the adviser will owe nothing.
The entrepreneur whose logo is printed on the policy documents will have to pay the licence fee.
This amounts to 5 pro mille over the gross premium (€ 5,= per € 1000,=)
We would first like to tell you something about our objectives.
These are:
To be able to do business honestly.
Transparency is the key to this
Quality comes before price
Efficiency for all users / contributors
As a result:
Working together to restore confidence by the clients.
From the outside in :
Blue = communication with websites of providers and advisers
Gold = Portal for advisers and the clients (view portfolio and account statements)
Red = shell around all back office systems
Circles are providers of products (contributed by insurers, brokers, GIs and intermediaries) :
Purple = small or large provider with 1 product
Blue = small provider with multiple products
Green = large provider with all products
.Website > Back office > Portal
The offering of an insurance product is done through a website on which the product is offered.
The link to that website can take place from the insurer. But just as easily via an adviser's website.
The website is linked to its own Backoffice in the Computing Centre. This Backoffice contains only information
that relates to the business created under the logo associated with the product.
* Customers find the product information on the website and can submit an application.
* If you prefer to work with intermediaries, you can appoint them.
An advisory intermediary who has registered in the Portal can therefore be appointed by several insurers.
He can then oversee his portfolio via the Portal with regard to all providers who do business with him via the Back Office.
The language chosen by the user is English now.
We have invested millions in this project.
It is up to the insurance industry to embrace this solution for years to come.
Hans van Ommen
Managing director RealXS-IT / VOC B.V.
Managing director Lugt Sobbe & Co. Holding B.V.
former Managing director Insurance broker Lugt Sobbe & Co. B.V.
former Managing director Eurolloyd Underwriters B.V.
Antoine Verstijnen
dir. RealXS B.V.
R. van Buren
dga OpenC-Computing-centre B.V.